Sunday 11 August 2013

Things I wish I knew about pregnancy before getting pregnant…

People suddenly become very interested in you…
…or rather, your baby…they’re really not interested in you at all.

I found it quite strange that people I was ‘friendly’ with (but not necessarily friends with) developed a strange sense of entitlement in needing to know the ins and outs of my pregnancy, and my plans for the future…
  • When is baby due?
  • Boy or girl? 
  • When is your next scan?
  • Natural delivery or C-section? (Am I supposed to be psychic?)
  • Will you have an epidural? (Somebody asked me this when I was 14 weeks gone; I soooooo didn’t realise I needed to have that figured out by then!)
  • Do you think you’ll go back to work full-time?
The things I was especially shocked to be asked:
  • Was it planned?  (Why in the hell did this person think they had any right to ask me that?)
  • Does it mean the Terry and I would “finally” get married?  (Yes because the lack of baby was the only reason we hadn’t made it down the aisle during our five and a half year engagement)

Hormonal changes can give you vivid nightmares
Late in the 1st trimester / early 2nd trimester I was subjected to some of the most horrific nightmares imaginable, one in particular still upsets me at the thought of it… 

(please don’t read ahead if you’re easily upset, I promise you this is not pleasant)

My fiancé and I were in our tiny broom cupboard of a kitchen discussing dinner, when a stray kitten wanders in through our back door.  The fiancé decides he’s going to order takeaway and walks off to order it online.  Meanwhile the kettle boils.  I get a casserole dish out of the cupboard and place the kitten inside.  I pour over the boiling hot water (and there is much more than the kettle should actually hold).  The kitten doesn’t make a sound, she’s not in pain; she just lies on her back in the boiling hot water, like she’s expecting a belly rub. I put the lid on and put the casserole dish in the oven. After 45 minutes or so, I come back and take the casserole dish out of the oven, remove the lid and see that the tortoiseshell kitten is now dead, and is white all over (including her eyes).  I place the kitten in a plastic bag, and put it in the bin.

Nice huh?  This had me wake up at about 3 in the morning, in tears and had me running downstairs to the kitchen to check the kettle, oven and bin to ensure none of it was real.  I didn’t go back to sleep that night, nor did I sleep for about a week after... 

Your body is no longer your own…
…and I’m not talking about the life growing inside you.  Since when did pregnancy make it perfectly acceptable for people to rub your belly, without seeking permission first?

Being a former fatty, I hate my body and what I’ve done to it over the years…my belly in particular. When I found out I was pregnant, I dreaded the requests from people asking if they could have a feel.  But as it turned out, I needn’t have worried as nobody ever bloody ‘asked’!

Strangely, once I developed an actual ‘bump’ I discovered that I didn’t find it so bad people placing a hand gently on my belly.  However, I did not appreciate the future father-in-law introducing ‘his Grandson’ to somebody I didn’t know by placing his hand my bump and rubbing it like it was a magic lamp.  I felt extremely uncomfortable, and he never actually introduced ‘me…’ (I guess this falls under nobody actually being interested in me personally)

Being pregnant can cause nosebleeds
Never ‘pleasant’, always a pain in the arse and always happens at the most inopportune times (like yesterday at the till in Tescos when I was just about to pay and also discovered that I had no tissues).

You can drool…a lot!
Another side effect of pregnancy, excess salivation…fantastic!  This mainly affected me at night.  Sleeping on my left side like I was told I had to do, I would often stir and find a ‘drool pool’ had formed at the side of my mouth or that my pillow would be soaked.  This is something I could easily deal with, if it wasn’t for the resulting chapped face and cracked lips. 

I just wish somebody could tell me why just one of my nipples is intensely itchy…

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